Saturday, December 28, 2013

First Christmas

Ben had a great first Christmas. If a baby can get spoiled with love, we are in trouble! Braden and Tristin especially loved holding (Braden) and touching (Tristin) Ben. So cute to see!

Went to Christmas Eve service at Community Mennonite Church in Harrisonburg. Terry was carrying him into the church and proclaimed to someone else walking in, "I've got the baby Jesus!" It was lovely listening to Sandy (who has a beautiful voice), and a young guy with a deep voice in the row behind us sing harmony.

We came back to Weaverville to find that we had run out of propane while we were in Virginia. The house was 40 degrees inside: brrr! The gas company brought us some propane that night.

Today (the 28th) was our family Christmas Day. Santa brought Ben Lincoln Logs, a tractor, and a stuffed fox. Ben thought the fox had a particularly tasty head (everything goes in the mouth these  days!).

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